Enabling design students to stand out through the power of deepened value.
Logo Wave Students partners with universities across the globe providing resume and portfolio value-add to aspiring young designers.
We help young designers stand out to future employers and design clients – plain and simple. As a result, students can more effectively land the design job and projects they always dreamed of.
How it Works
This logo design competition integrates seamlessly into university course curricula to better support students, design professors and the art department as a whole.
A fictional, life-like creative brief is crafted and provided for the design professor and students. Each student then compete against each other to develop their best logo design solution within the parameters of the brief.
Waves run seamlessly within the professors curricula as a graded project within the class. These waves can be incorporated into classes like Branding, Computer Graphics, Typography and Digital Illustration, to name a few.
Logo entries are carefully reviewed by our internationally acclaimed jury with a single winner coming from each wave. A few members of our jury include design influencers and authors like Louise Fili, David Airey and Alina Wheeler.
Each student earning 1st place will earn timeless resume value, add “award-winning” to their title, nab our 600+ page Designer’s Toolkit, RookieUp Design Starter Kit, certificate, digital badges and additional network exposure.
“This unique opportunity gives my students a resumé-building exercise that is truly invaluable.”
– Diane Gibbs | Design Professor, South Alabama University
Meet the Jury

University Classes Accepted
We’re excited to partner with you! Please see the design courses we integrate with (junior and senior level undergrad). Don’t see your course? Reach out and we can help determine if you’re a good fit.
The Heart Behind it All
We have a heart for students and young creatives. It’s our mission to support bright-eyed, aspiring designers in reaching their goals. To be a conduit in helping them land their dream job and working with dream clients. That’s what makes us tick.
Once students graduate, potential employers and clients will see the young designer’s award-winning title and how they were chosen by a jury comprised of top design influencers. That’s social proof that creates a double-take. To give students an additional influx of credibility before they enter the workforce that will help them stand out in a distinct and memorable way.
Design prof? Student? Let’s chat! We’d love to meet you, learn more about your university and determine if you’re a good fit.
What makes us tick
When it comes down to it, we have a heart for students and young creatives. We want to give young, aspiring designers a chance to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Whether it’s landing their dream job at an exciting agency, or helping attract qualified clients to their freelance design business–the mission is to bring positive career impact to these design students across the globe. Our aim is to give students the opportunity to add “award-winning” to their title, bringing an influx of value and credibility to their resume and portfolio as they prepare to enter the workforce. In addition, future employers and clients will see that the student’s work was affirmed and awarded by a jury comprised of the best our industry has to offer.
What's the mission?
How does it work?
1. A fictional creative brief is provided by Logo Wave Students.
2. Waves run seamlessly within the professor’s curricula as a graded project each semester. The professor sets the timeline for the project based on the structure of their semester syllabus.
3. Logo entries are carefully reviewed by our esteemed jury with a 1st place winner coming from each class.
4. Each winning student earns timeless resume value as their work is affirmed by our top jury, as well as adding “award-winning” to their title pre-graduation. They will also receive our 600+ page Designer’s Toolkit donated by members of our jury, certificate of achievement, digital badge set and additional exposure throughout our various social media outlets.
What is a "wave"?
Each wave represents a single university class project.
How do I get started?
Reach out today via the contact form below, schedule out a call to chat or email us via info@mylogowave.com.
What are the competition types?
Here are the competition types, along with relevant class examples for each (junior/senior level, undergrad):
1. Symbol – Branding, Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer Graphics, etc.
2. Mascot – Digital Illustration, Advanced Illustration, etc.
3. Wordmark/Logotype – Typographic Design, etc.
What types of classes qualify for the competition?
What are the fees?
Once we set up a call, our founder will work with you to discuss the details of our pricing structure.
What do the 1st place winning students get?
• Affirmed by our internationally acclaimed design jury, affording top opportunities for job placement post graduation.
• Distinct resume value-add as a rare influx of timeless credibility
• 600+ page Designer’s Toolkit donated by members of our jury and media partners
• RookieUp Design Starter Kit
• Official Logo Wave Students certificate to print off and frame
• Exclusive Logo Wave Students digital badge set
• Recognition and promotion across our various social networks
Who's on the jury?
Our internationally acclaimed jury includes Louise Fili, David Airey, Alina Wheeler, Bill Gardner, Jacob Cass, Kyle Courtright, Ian Paget and Jeroen van Eerden.
What is the jury looking for?
To be wowed! The criteria of the jury review are predicated on 5 primary elements: Craftsmanship, memorability, innovative-thought, relevancy to the brand in question and versatility.
What are the file specifics for each logo entry?
- 900×900 px
- 72dpi jpg (RGB), on a white background
How many logos can students enter per wave?
Each student may enter 1 logo per wave.
Pellentesque venenatis, libero euismod lobortis, mi metus luctus augue, eget dapibus elit nisi eu massa. Phasellus sollicitudin nisl posuere nibh ultricies.
Talk about how agencies hire an “award-winning” student over a student without this title. Get the stats on this.
We’re most comfortable at the edge of tomorrow. Embracing cutting edge solutions available to filmmakers with the goal of telling your story in new and exciting ways.
We’re most comfortable at the edge of tomorrow. Embracing cutting edge solutions available to filmmakers with the goal of telling your story in new and exciting ways.
Shoot us a message via the form, or just send us an email directly at info[at]mylogowave.com.
Schedule A Call
Rather hop on a call? Set up a time to chat!