Simple, Flexible Pricing

Choose the investment that works best for you

Simple, Flexible Pricing

Choose the investment that works best for you


Up to 20% savings
$79 per entry
  • 3-7 logo entries


Up to 40% savings
$59 per entry
  • 8-12 logo entries
10 logos (max)
9 logos
8 logos
7 logos
6 logos
5 logos
4 logos
3 logos
2 logos
1 logo


Each entry includes your chance at:

  • • $1,000.00 cash (~€934.57; ~£800.19)
  • • Trophies to 1st – 3rd place winners
  • • Network recognition and promotion
  • • 1 year LogoLounge membership
  • • Logo Package Express (AI extension)
  • • Printable certificate and digital badge set
  • • Featured on our site with your folio link
  • • Influx of value to win more projects
  • • Featured interview opportunities

Frequently asked questions

What is a "wave"?

Each wave varies. Most waves last approximately 3-6 months before it’s closed to entries.

Are there entry dates?

No, once one wave starts another begins right away. Much like waves in the ocean, it’s continuous!

How long does a wave last?

3-6 months

Accepted payment methods?

All major credit cards are accepted including VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We also accept payments via PayPal. If you prefer a different kind of payment method, please contact us at

Is my currency accepted?

We accept the following currencies: USD, GBP, EUR, AUD, JPY, CHF, IED, NLG, CAD, DMK, BEF, ESP, HKD, ITL, ATS, SEK, FIM, SGD, NZD and DKK.

Is this spec work?

Quite the opposite. Logo Wave seeks to recognize and reward your past client work in order to bring game-changing, differentiated value to your studio or agency. We firmly stand against spec work and design contests which devalue and commoditize our industry.


Have other questions?

If you have other questions yet to be answered, please check out our comprehensive faqs page. You can always reach out via email or contact form as well.

Jacob Cass

If you enter just one logo awards competition this year, make sure it’s Logo Wave! With its internationally acclaimed jury, trophy and enticing cash prize bounty, it’s the best logo awards program out there!”

– Jacob Cass, Founder, JUST Creative

If you enter just one logo awards competition this year, make sure it’s Logo Wave! With its internationally acclaimed jury, trophy and enticing cash prize bounty, it’s the best logo awards program out there!”

– Jacob Cass, Founder, JUST Creative

Riding Waves & Taking Names

Think you have the chops to win it all? Whether recent logos or 20 year old marks, resurrect your best designs from the archives and ride the wave today.